Up Your Cooking Game

Cooking is a relaxing activity whether you are alone or sharing that time with your family. Cooking can also be fun and rewarding even when you know just the basics. Chef Moe will show you useful things you can learn from a cooking class as well as how to boost your confidence in the kitchen […]

Intro to Cooking at Home!

Kids 12- and up will have the opportunity to learn the basics of cooking by being introduced to preparation, knife skills, chopping, sautéing, with an approach to healthy cooking using healthy oils and an awareness of good fats like avocado. With time permitting and parent permission, we can also explore fun with desserts like custards, […]

Hip Hop Advanced with Miki Deidda aka “Miki Tuesday”

With a focus on fun and personal expressiveness, we continue to explore Hip Hop by teaching students more about rhythm, musicality, isolations, and coordination using the hottest dance music of today for inspiration! Current dance moves will be taught as well as popular steps from past decades. More advanced classes will also explore club, street, […]

Hip Hop I-II with Miki Deidda aka “Miki Tuesday”

With a focus on fun and personal expressiveness, this contemporary dance class will teach students about rhythm, musicality, isolations, and coordination using the hottest dance music of today for inspiration! Current dance moves will be taught as well as popular steps from past decades. More advanced classes will also explore club, street, and break dance […]

Beginning Hip-Hop with Miki Deidda aka “Miki Tuesday”

With a focus on fun and personal expressiveness, this contemporary dance class will teach students about rhythm, musicality, isolations, and coordination using the hottest dance music of today for inspiration! Current dance moves will be taught as well as popular steps from past decades. More advanced classes will also explore club, street, and break dance […]

Cardio Dance Workout w/ Elise Long

Vigorous dancing set to dance music from around the world, aims to burn about 500 calories, strengthen your heart, lungs and circulation, release endorphins galore and keep you rockin’ for the rest of the day! We’ll move to choreography that’s challenging, but simple enough for most folks to follow and get down and funky with! […]

Improv, Composition, Performance Workshop (ages 9+) with Elise Long

Elise Long offers a new inter-generational improvisation/performance workshop on Fridays this summer for all uninhibited movers, 8 to 108 years old. Participants will collaborate on and perform large community dance works directed by Ms. Long to be performed at various community functions throughout the year. Additionally, participants can also create their own original works to […]

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